Envira Gallery
1.10.1 (01-08-2025)
- Removed: unused admin page
- Added: feature to convert WordPress Galleries to Envira Galleries
- Fixed: Upload images on block failing in some cases
1.10.0 (10-30-2024)
- Added: Feature for creating images with Envira AI
- Fixed: Sanitization of gallery class names
1.9.17 (10-07-2024)
- Added: New envira gallery layout called Creative
- Added: notifications drawer
- Fixed: Inserting image via media library
1.9.16 (08-09-2024)
- Fixed: User permissions control
- Added: Santize Image Titles
1.9.15 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Choice.js search issue compatibility with classic theme
- Added: New admin layout icons
- Added: New template called Polaroid
- Fixed: HTML support on the image titles
- Added: Show plugin names when a user selects an addon or plugin on the onboarding wizard
- Added: Made header logo clickable
- Fixed: pagination and lightbox issue
- Fixed: Plugin API response updated time
- Fixed: Licensing tab modal
- Fixed: Right-click protection popup in fullscreen mode
- Fixed: Envira link video
- Added: Close icon for Envira/Solq upsell banner
- Added: Content when the user has not installed add-ons
- Added: Admin menu bar Tootip.
1.9.14 (05-23-2024)
- Fixed: Admin Styles.
- Added: Onboarding wizard.
- Fixed: PHP warnings and potential fatal error.
- Added: Conditional Soliloquy promo bar loading.
1.9.13 (04-09-2024)
- Fixed: License validation
1.9.12 (04-03-2024)
- Fixed: CSS selectors for admin page
1.9.11 (04-02-2024)
- Added: Permission options
- Fixes: Compression settings styles
1.9.10 (02-08-2024)
- Fix background resize request not working on some systems
- Small improvements in code structure
- Gutenberg improvements (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Fatal with Lazy Loading Disabled
- Fixes: Gutenberg error on Widget Screen (11-15-2023)
- Added: envira_gallery_output_item_index filter
1.9.9 (11-09-2023)
- Added: BnB Gallery Layout
- Fixed: License deactivation on expired licenses
- Fixed: Lazy loading sometime not loading full images in Firefox
- Fixed: Standalone galleries not displaying with some plugins
- Fixed: Unable to insert images to galleries
1.9.8 (11-08-2023)
- Fixes: Allows HTML in Titles.
- Fixes: Allow re-adding images once its been deleted from gallery.
- Fixes: Images not appear in admin media model after removing from gallery.
- Fixes: Link shortcode not respecting settings when multiple on page.
- Fixes: Wrong lightbox title with link shortcode.
- Fixes: Cases where Lite images dont appear.
- Fixes: Conflicts with Avada theme.
- Fixes: Third-party sitemap integration.
1.9.7 (06-22-2023)
- Fix: Validate Image url when inserting images.
- Added: Allow for Multiline Caption.
1.9.7 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: Allow partial HTML support in Lightbox captions.
- Fix: Password Protection not displaying properly.
- Fix: Fatal if wp_get_image_editor fails to load.
- Fix: PHP Error on feed output.
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.9.6 (02-23-2023)
- Fix: Tags not displaying with Dynamic.
- Fix: Duplicate images showing with Albums and block themes.
- Fix: Various Dynamic rendering issues.
- Fix: Various php notices.
1.9.5 (30-11-2022)
- Fix: Performance Fixes for Chrome.
- Fix: Cases where lightbox repeats requesting last image.
- Fix: Previewing Drafts.
- Fix: Mobile Lightbox stretching.
- Fix: Mobile Lightbox Landscape View. (06-01-2022)
- Fix: Adjust positioning of icons in block editor. (05-18-2022)
- Fix: Adjustments in margins to legacy lightbox images on mobile devices. (05-04-2022)
- Fix: Resolved issue with incorrect srcset using third-party site links in the gallery.
- Fix: PHP Warning in image.php
- Fix: Added cross-promotion bar for Soliloquy. (04-20-2022)
- Fix: Resolved issue with PHP fatal when galleries were in the trash when trash was cleared. (04-06-2022)
- Fix: Resolved issue with using double quotes in gallery description.
- Fix: Restore “Add Gallery” button for Classic Editor. (03-23-2022)
- Fix: Better compatibility with Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
- Fix: Resolved conflict with Enable Media Replace plugin.
- Fix: Resolved JavaScript Error w/ Beaver Builder.
- Fix: Adding better checks to confirm actual images, lazy loading CSS.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving fatal error on attempting to deleting plugin.
- Fix: Resolved several PHP notices and warnings. (11-17-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue involving showing a different user image in lightbox.
- Fix: Removed a missing css dependency in Gutenberg.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving license keys and Themeco.
1.9.4 (09-01-2021)
- Updated: Envira compression beta: performance and efficiency enhancements. (08-24-2021)
- Fix: Resolve “Class Envira\Utils\stdClass not found error” in some scenarios. (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Added support for WordPress 5.8.
- Fix: Added better checks for WordPress Multisite.
- Fix: Remove padding from lazy loaded images in gallery views in certain scenarios.
- Fix: Improve encoding in lightbox for German characters. (05-26-2021)
- Added: Built-in zoom in envirabox can be disabled.
- Fix: Added more function_exists checks. (04-29-2021)
- Fix: Fix update issue with Envira Elementor. (04-28-2021)
- Added: Built-in comptatbility with RankMath and All In One SEO plugins. Gallery images should appear in sitemaps by default when plugins have these options activated.
- Fix: Added spacing around lightbox image counter text.
- Fix: Issue resolved with PHP 8.0 users and downloading addons on the addon screen.
- Fix: Improved look of beta admin notice. (04-08-2021)
- Fix: Improved sanitization for foreign language characters in albums.
- Fix: Resolved error involving settings tabs not working in some scenarios. (04-07-2021)
- Fix: Resolved some issues with retina images and cropping in certain scenarios.
- Fix: Improved santitzation in relation to EXIF data in lightboxes.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP warnings.
- Fix: Removing a redirect to welcome screen on plugin update. (03-30-2021)
- Fix: Add additional checks to prevent PHP problems during license checks.
1.9.3 (03-24-2021)
- Fix: URLSearchParams issue now resolved with IE11.
- Fix: Resolve issue with santization of albums in certain situations.
- Fix: Resolve issue with incorrectly automatic albums in certain situations.
- Fix: General fixes and updates related to PHP 8. (03-18-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with Blogroll layout not working in certain galleries. (03-11-2021)
- Fix: Resolve issue with santization of galleries and albums in certain situations.
1.9.2 (03-10-2021)
- Changed: Text and misc items on Welcome page.
- Fix: Resolve retina issues with lightbox.
- Fix: Remove references to wp_make_content_images_responsive.
- Fix: Resolve issue with cropping images and lazy loading.
- Fix: Resolve issue with WordPress scaled images in lightbox when “Oringial Image” setting applied.
- Fix: Resolved minor issues with random widget.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors. (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Minor issues related to lightbox themes and santitizaiton.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors. (11-19-2020)
- Added: Upsell messages (and new tab in welcome area) for certain licenses.
- Changed: “Get Started” menu renamed to “Overview”.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving certain lightbox themes with stacked thumbnails.
- Fix: Random characters with .envira-loader HTML markup. (11-10-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue involving “Requested Content Cannot Be Loaded” error. (11-09-2020)
- Fix: Resolved cropping issue on galleries in certain scenarios.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving titles and captions both displaying in lightbox base themes in every setting.
1.9.1 (11-05-2020)
- Added: Hook after registering Envira custom post type.
- Fix: Improve look of WordPress FTP interface on addon screen.
- Fix: Failed srcset Chrome-only error.
- Fix: Issue related to improper santitizing of gallery titles.
- Fix: Issue related to alt text for Envira links.
- Fix: Minor bugs and fixes. (09-30-2020)
- Changed: Gallery captions/titles in base dark theme should now be selectable via cursor.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving retina images and cropping in certain gallery views.
- Fix: Loading graphic for automatic galleries now matches color in Envira settings.
- Fix: Sorting by filename will no longer take folder names into account.
- Fix: Bulk editing JavaScript error resolved.
- Fix: Misc. unicode issues.
- Fix: Fix minor PHP warnings, plugin conflicts, and other small fixes. (09-17-2020)
- Fix: Standalone slug fatal error.
1.9.0 (09-16-2020)
- Added: Gallery layout: automatic, mason, grid, square, blogroll.
- Added: Pre-loading graphic with customizable color, adjustable in general settings.
- Added: Included the HTML paragraph tag to the HTML allowed tag whitelist.
- Added: Additional license checks.
- Changed: New standalone default slug for galleries and albums.
- Fix: Issues related to block editor and previewing galleries.
- Fix: Issues related to retina images not cropping properly.
- Fix: Misc. block editor issues.
- Fix: Minor bugs and fixes.
1.8.12 (08-11-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issues related to pagination with WordPress 5.5 beta and release candidates.
- Fix: Updated admin UI for Envira gallery and album screens for WordPress 5.5.
1.8.11 (07-24-2020)
- Fix: Resolved a potential issue with cropped image in certain galleries.
1.8.10 (07-23-2020)
- Added: Allow title and caption (combined) to be shown on mobile.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving HTML being displayed on lightbox caption.
- Fix: Resolved issue involving lazy loading not working in certain scenarios.
- Fix: Resolved gallery preview issues in block editor.
- Fix: Social addon should now be available in all proper plans.
- Fix: Resolved issue with importing JSON files from some galleries.
- Fix: Minor bugs and fixes. (06-18-2020)
- Fix: Smaller than normal lightbox images in Chrome in some scenarios issue resolved.
- Fix: Minor issues with envira_gallery_output_item_src_retina filter.
- Fix: Minor fixes and tweaks related to random image sort and the lightbox. (06-03-2020)
- Fix: Remove x2 srcset for non-retina screens for lightbox. (05-28-2020)
- Enhancement: Add “envira_gallery_output_item_src_retina” filter to control retina x2 images in srcset in lightbox.
- Fix: Issue involving full images not always showing in srcset x2 for lightbox images. (05-27-2020)
- Enhancement: Adding x2 to setserc in lightbox images.
- Fix: Rendering of gallery titles with special characters in block editor.
- Fix: Hide standalone option for albums in settings if albums addon is not installed.
- Fix: Better comptatibilty with Yoast panels on gallery pages.
- Fix: Issue involving seeing the last image of a gallery when clicking on the first image in some setups.
- Fix: Improvements to title and caption functionality in lightbox.
- Fix: Improvements to title and caption functionality UI in settings.
- Fix: Icon and font spacing on admin UI in some browsers.
- Fix: Revised text and UI in settings panel.
- Fix: Tweaks to caching involving mobile galleries.
- Fix: Tweaks to dismissable notices in admin.
- Fix: Minor bugs and fixes. (04-10-2020)
- Fix: Render album breadcrumbs before gallery cache.
- Fix: Disable redirect to welcome in certain scenarios pending further testing. (04-09-2020)
- Fix: Improve santitization for captions and titles to remove broken JSON in certain scenarios for albums and galleries.
- Fix: Reduce transient value, add check for object cache for welcome screen. (04-07-2020)
- Fix: Caption issue involving line breaks showing HTML in gallery view in certain scenarios. (03-31-2020)
- Enhancement: You can now select Title + Caption to display in lightboxes.
- Fix: Image limit issue when using same galleries multiple times on same page.
- Fix: Minor tweaks to dismissiable admin notices.
- Fix: Other misc. bug fixes resolved, including PHP warnings. (02-11-2020)
- Fix: Issue related to unusual sized images with mobile thumbnail sizes settings enabled with automatic layout, viewing on non-mobile devices.
1.8.9 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Better removal/deletion of Envira generated custom cropped images once images are deleted.
- Fix: Resolved issue with mobile images distorted in automatic layout on certain themes.
- Fix: Slug updating issues resolved.
- Fix: Resolved issue with srcset which was causing incorrect image sizing issues in browsers including Chrome.
- Fix: Resolved issues with several third-party plugins including Advanced Custom Fields.
- Fix: Resolved multiple JavaScript alerts when deleting images.
- Fix: Minifiy certain scripts and stylesheets.
- Fix: Other misc. bug fixes resolved, including PHP warnings..
Albums Addon
1.7.12 (08-021-2024)
- Fixed: Pagination and lightbox issue
- Fixed: Tags using tag names instead of IDs
1.7.11 (04-02-2024)
- Added: Permission options
1.7.10 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Back To Album link on password Protection ( 11-14-2023 )
- Fixed: Gallery titles emptying on save.
- Fixed: Integration with Tags ( 11-09-2023 )
- Fixed no sorting options when original gallery is updated (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: Matching Gallery and Album Lightbox behavior
- Fixes: Duplicate titles in Breadcrumbs
1.7.9 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (03-23-2022)
- Fix: Resolve issue with Cornerstone Builder.
- Fix: Resolve issue with encoding issue with caption links. (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Update album gallery titles when galleries are updated.
- Fix: Resolved fatal PHP errors under some certain conditions. (05-26-2021)
- Added: lightbox thumbnail toggle to settings.
- Fix: Improved display of “Back To Album” on pages of paginated galleries in certain situations.
- Fix: Removed Display Gallery Titles option from album config when automatic layout is selected.
- Fix: Resolved some minor PHP warnings. (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Enhancement: Remove Automatic reference inside of “Number of Album/Gallery Columns” setting.
- Fix: Resolved some minor PHP warnings. (04-07-2021)
- Fix: Resolved some santitizing issues with lightboxes. (03-24-2021)
- Fix: Resolved PHP error upon activation (with PHP 8). (03-11-2021)
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors and removed testing code.
1.7.8 (03-10-2021)
- Added: Added option to adjust lightbox size.
- Added: Layout options to match gallery layout options.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors.
1.7.7 (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Resolved a “unexpected expression” JS error.
- Fix: Resolved issue with WooCommerce Envira Addon.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors.
1.7.6 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Resolve issue involving showing captions and descriptions under galleries in some cases.
- Fix: Add missing automatic layout.
- Fix: Improve album export/import (export galleries first). (09-30-2020)
- Fix: Improve album import process (galleries to be uploaded before album). (09-21-2020)
- Fix: Restore Automatic option. (09-16-2020)
- Fix: Resolving issue with breadcrumbs and cache in certain situations.
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors. (05-27-2020)
- Fix: Resolving issue with breadcrumbs and cache in certain situations. (02-11-2020)
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors. (02-06-2020)
- Fix: Resolved caching issue that prevented some albums from showing properly. Clearing transients or letting transients expire after applying this update is recommended.
1.7.5 (02-05-2020)
- Added: Provided filter to disable links in albums: envira_albums_output_gallery_href
- Fix: Resolved minor PHP errors.
1.0.0 (04-02-2024)
- Initial Release!
Comments Addon
1.0.0 (10-07-2024)
- Initial Release!
CSS Addon
1.3.7 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.3.6 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Sanitization and clean up
1.3.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.3.4 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Remove unused “harmless” CSS code when no custom code added for a gallery.
1.3.3 (06-04-2019)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.2 (10-26-2018)
- Enhancement: Improved UI and error checking for entering CSS
1.3.1 (05-30-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Deep Linking Addon
1.5.3 (08-01-2024)
- Added: Improved Image Schema
1.5.1 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.5.0 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.4.9 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Resolving issue involving captions showing HTML markup.
1.4.8 (09-05-2020)
- Fix: Resolving issue involving captions showing HTML markup.
1.4.7 (05-27-2020)
- Fix: Resolving issue involving blurry video thumbnails in lightbox.
1.4.6 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.4.5 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.4 (06-04-2019)
- Added: Whitelabeling for deeplink slug.
1.4.3 (10-16-2018)
- Fix: Better compatability w/ videos displayed with the Video Addon
1.4.2 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.1 (05-01-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Defaults Addon
1.5.3 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.5.2 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.5.1 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.5.0 (03-10-2021)
- Added: Ability to apply default settings to a gallery under “Misc” tab.
1.4.9 (07-23-2020)
- Fix: Do not allow default gallery to be published.
1.4.8 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.7 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Issue when activating plugin on some multisite networks.
1.4.6 (06-06-2019)
- Fix: Resolves fatal error upon installs in some situations.
1.4.5 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.4.4 (12-19-2018)
- Fix: The sort by Filename and sort by URL added to settings.
- Fix: Sorting options for automatic layout added.
1.4.3 (10-16-2018)
- Added: Change the Envira Default Settings gallery title for new installs.
1.4.2 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Sorting option on the Configuartion Tab for galleries.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.1 (05-30-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Downloads Addons
1.5.11 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Incorrect download links when filtering by tags
1.5.10 (05-22-2024)
- Fixes: Force download option for logged out users
1.5.9 (04-02-2024)
- Fixes: Force download option
1.5.8 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.5.7 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Download button animation now in sync with other buttons
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.5.6 (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: Styling related to Proofing
1.5.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (03-23-2022)
- Fixed: Fatal error in some scenarios on downloading with dynamic addon. (11-17-2021)
- Fixed: Mobile option now available for downloading albums.
1.5.4 (05-26-2021)
- Added: Options in settings to turn off downloads on mobile.
1.5.3 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with lightbox buttons appearing.
- Fix: Correct password indicator is diplayed in lightbox.
1.5.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with naming zip file in all caps.
1.5.1 (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with a subdomain use case.
1.5.0 (11-05-2020)
1.5.6 (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: Styling related to Proofing
1.5.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (03-23-2022)
- Fixed: Fatal error in some scenarios on downloading with dynamic addon. (11-17-2021)
- Fixed: Mobile option now available for downloading albums.
1.5.4 (05-26-2021)
- Added: Options in settings to turn off downloads on mobile.
1.5.3 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with lightbox buttons appearing.
- Fix: Correct password indicator is diplayed in lightbox.
1.5.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with naming zip file in all caps.
1.5.1 (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with a subdomain use case.
1.5.0 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Allow non-scalled full size downloads.
Dropbox Importer Addon
1.3.6 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.3.5 (11-09-2023)
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.3.4 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.3.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.3.2 (11-12-2019)
- Fix: Removed HTML in text description and resolved thumbnail preview issue.
1.3.1 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.0 (10-18-2017)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Dynamic Addon
1.6.7 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Pagination and lightbox issue
1.6.6 (04-02-2024)
- Fixes: Loading images with capital letter extension
1.6.5 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.6.4 (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Dynamic Folder Rendering time
1.6.3 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Support for tags, pagination and exif
- Fix: Folder galleries thumbnail generation
- Fix: Folder galleries exif data
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.6.2 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.6.1 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with album titles not displaying in certain configurations.
1.6.0 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.9 (09-16-2020)
- Fix: Better compatibility with Envira 1.9.0.
1.5.8 (07-23-2020)
- Fix: Do not allow dynamic gallery to be published.
1.5.6 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.5.5 (10-23-2019)
- Fix: Sorting dynamic images in some cases now resolved.
1.5.4 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.5.4 (10-16-2018)
- Enhancement: “Pull Latest X” galleries now possible via shortcode with limit, orderby (date is default), order (desc is default), and offset (0 is default).
- Fix: In some rare cases dynamic folder was from pulling in images from WordPress media, now resolved
- Fix: Now sorts images by publish date when pulling from the /wp-content/XXX directory.
- Fix: Improved santitization for developers using envira_dynamic().
1.5.3 (05-30-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.1 (05-01-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Elementor Addon
1.1.3 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.1.2 (05-11-2023)
- Added: Envira Icon to Elementor.
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.1.1 (04-06-2022)
- Fix: Elementor is not defined JS error.
- 1.1.0 (04-28-2021)
- Added: Multiple override options inside Elementor UI when placing gallerys including layout, columns, and lightbox features.
- Release: Sync your image and video galleries directly inside the Elementor page builder.
EXIF Addon
1.5.5 (08-01-2024)
- Added: Improved Image Schema for Deeplinking addon
- Fixed: Tags using tag names instead of IDs
1.5.4 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.5.3 (01-03-2024)
- Fix: Resolve conflicts with other addons.
1.5.2 (11-28-2023)
- Fix: Resolve PHP error with tags addon.
1.5.1 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Tag count
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.5.0 (05-11-2023)
- Added: Lens/Brand support.
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (03-23-2022)
- Fix: Minor fixes related to PHP error warnings. (11-17-2021)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes related to PHP error warnings.
1.4.9 (04-28-2020)
- Added: Sorting by Capture Date is now possible.
1.4.8 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issues with saving certain EXIF time settings.
1.4.7 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Addressing on-click hidden EXIF info in legacy lightbox themes.
1.4.6 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Better pulling/display of data from dynamic galleries.
1.4.5 (10-23-2019)
- Fix: Better showing of EXIF with dynamic galleries.
Featured Content Addon
1.3.1 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.3.0 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.2.9 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.2.8 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Resolved certain settings not being saved.
1.2.7 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.2.6 (08-20-2019)
- Fix: Some issues with foreign characters in posts resolved.
1.2.5 (07-09-2019)
- Fix: JS error in admin now fixed, allowing imags to be edited.
1.2.4 (06-04-2019)
- Added: Option to open featured links in new window.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.3 (10-16-2018)
- Fix: Better compatability w/ Pagination Addon with “Display All Images” enabled
1.2.2 (05-07-2018)
- Fix: Cases where FC prevents lightbox from loading.
1.2.1 (05-01-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Fullscreen Addon
1.2.7 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.2.6 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.2.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.2.4 (07-23-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with fullscreen not appearing with certain pagination settings active.
1.2.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.2.2 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.2.1 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Galleries still fullscreen when plugin deactivated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Gallery Themes Addon
2.0.6 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
2.0.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
2.0.4 (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Resolve issue regarding Firefox and Infinity lightbox themes and the social addon.
2.0.3 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Resolve issue regarding Classical and Infinity lightbox themes displaying titles when option set to none.
2.0.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolve issue regarding Classical and Infinity lightbox themes displaying titles/captions above and below iamge.
- Fix: Resolve issue with linkable thumbnails in Subtle theme.
2.0.1 (11-19-2020)
- Fix: Stacked thumbnail issue in certain themes.
2.0.0 (11-05-2020)
- Added: 4 new lightbox themes.
Image Licensing Addon
1.0.0 (05-23-2024)
- Initial Release!
Instagram Addon
1.6.4 (12-23-2024)
- Fixes Instagram authentication
1.6.3 (08-01-2024)
- Added: Requested permissions information on authorization
1.6.2 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.6.1 (01-18-2024)
- Added: Method to remove all instagram data
- Fixes: Authenticating from within new/Edit gallery screens
1.6.0 (11-28-2023)
- Fixes: Resolve PHP error with pagination addon.
- Added: Improved data handling
1.5.9 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.5.8 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (08-03-2022)
- Fixed: Resolve connection issues.
- Fixed: Resolve cases that trigger a fatal error. (11-71-2021)
- Fixed: Resolved pagination issue.
- Fixed: Resolved fatal error.
1.5.7 (07-01-2021)
- Added: Ability to add images extracted from Instagram Carousel posts.
- Fixed: Adding additional images to media library. (05-27-2021)
- Fixed: Removing test code.
1.5.6 (03-24-2021)
- Added: ALT text now populated, filter added to adjust ALT text.
1.5.5 (03-10-2021)
- Fixed: Resolved some PHP errors and notices.
1.5.4 (12-02-2020)
- Fixed: Resolved issue involving repeating images in smaller galleries.
1.5.3 (09-16-2020)
- Fixed: Resolved issue involving pagination.
1.5.2 (07-23-2020)
- Fixed: Resolved issue involving cropping options in settings.
- Fixed: Resolved issue involving no removing legacy IG accounts.
- Fixed: Resolved issue involving not showing more than 10 images in certain IG feeds.
1.5.1 (06-18-2020)
- Updated: Using new Instagram API. Re-authorization might be required.
NextGEN Importer Addon
1.2.6 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.2.5 (11-09-2023)
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.2.4 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.2.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.2.2 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.2.1 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Lightroom Addon
2.3.5 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
2.3.4 (12-13-2023)
- Fix undefined variables and upload permissions.
2.3.3 (11-09-2023)
- Fix: Clear cache when republishing galleries
2.3.2 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
2.3.1 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Ensured author is attached to data to prevent fatal on media page.
2.3.0 (06-02-2020)
- Fix: Performance for uploading large galleries.
- Added: Rest method for upload complete.
2.2.5 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
2.2.4 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: ALT text now populating if Lightroom field is also populated.
2.2.3 (06-04-2019)
- Fix: Publishing BR tags in Lightroom no longer will show in captions in galleries.
2.2.2 (12-19-2018)
- Fix: Certain special characters should now translate correctly when publishing from Lightroom.
2.2.1 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
2.2.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Pagination Addon
1.8.7 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Pagination and lightbox issue
- Fixed: Pagination on albums
- Fixed: Tags using tag names instead of IDs
1.8.6 (04-02-2024)
- Fixes: Showing all images on Lightbox
1.8.4 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.8.3 (01-03-2024)
- Fix: Resolve PHP error with other addons.
1.8.2 (11-14-2023)
- Fixes: Wrong Lightbox Image appearing on paginated galleries.
1.8.1 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Ajax pagination with tags
- Fix: Lightbox showing images not on the page
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.8.1 (05-11-2023)
- Fixes: cases where pagination ajax is failing.
1.8.0 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.7.12 (05-04-2022)
- Fix: Resolved PHP notices and warnings.
1.7.11 (03-23-2022)
- Fix: Resolved PHP warnings with Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
1.7.10 (07-01-2021)
- Fix: Issue resolved when “On Pagination Click, Reloading Page” redirects to other page when gallery is added to page/post.
1.7.9 (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Better compatibility with dynamic galleries and Pro theme.
- Fix: Resolved issue related to Display All Images In Lightbox.
1.7.8 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Not showing pagination for galleries that do not need it in scenarios where there are multiple paged galleries on a single WordPress page.
1.7.7 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with Divi page builder.
1.7.6 (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with Envira Dynamic Addon.
1.7.5 (09-16-2020)
- Added: envira_pagination_handle_404 filter added.
- Fix: Better compatibility with AMP (Google). (08-11-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with WordPress 5.5 and lightbox issues with non-ajax pagination. (08-06-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with pagination beyond page one in certain galleries.
1.7.4 (07-23-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with WordPress 5.5 Beta.
1.7.3 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.7.1 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Not loading next page issue (in some setups) resolved.
- Fix: Resolved minor issues with Tags Addon.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.7.0 (10-23-2019)
- Fix: Captions now showing with Display All Images option turned on now resolved.
Password Protection Addon
1.4.9 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.4.8 (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Resolves Back to Albums links not displaying
1.4.7 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.4.6 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: Cases where gallery displays above form.
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.4.5 (9-16-2020)
- Added: Enable private sharing links.
1.4.4 (7-23-2020)
- Fix: Add filter to allow HTML after form display.
1.4.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.4.2 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Resolved issue involving incorrect auto displayed text.
1.4.1 (11-13-2019)
- Fix: Resolved issue involving “Password required” text and auto-display “Wrong password” text .
1.4.0 (10-23-2019)
- Fix: Password protected galleries should better show link back to albums depending on cache settings.
Printing Addon
1.4.1 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.4.0 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Print button animation now in sync with other buttons
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.3.9 (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: URL encoding on print.php.
1.3.8 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.3.7 (06-01-2022)
- Fix: Resolve “Permission Denied” on some server setups, use internal WordPress templating system.
1.3.6 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Lightbox button issue resolved in certain lightbox themes.
1.3.5 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Tweaking css in popup to improve printing in some browsers.
1.3.4 (08-12-2020)
- Fix: Tweaking css in popup to reduce chances of multiple blank pages on printouts.
1.3.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.3.2 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.1 (10-16-2018)
- Fix: Various minor bug fixes and PHP notices resolved.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Proofing Addon
2.0.9 (04-02-2024)
- Added: Permission options
2.0.8 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
2.0.7 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
2.0.6 (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: Proofing not working when email and name required.
- Fixes: Proofing select when quantity is not enabled
2.0.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
2.0.4 (07-15-2021)
- Added: Force valid email when email is required.
2.0.3 (05-26-2021)
- Added: Feature that allows gallery creation from an existing order.
2.0.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with options not display in lightbox w/ require email address setting active.
2.0.1 (11-05-2020)
- Added: Net settings and filters to allow changing of logo and returning address on emails.
- Added: Setting to remove SMTP message.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
2.0.0 (09-16-2020)
- Added: New “proofing” main menu in WordPress sidebar.
- Added: New UI for orders in existing and new galleries.
- Added: Assign statues to orders.
- Added: Add notes to orders.
Protection Addon
1.3.8 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Right-click protection popup in fullscreen mode
1.3.7 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.3.6 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.3.5 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.3.4 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.3.3 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.2 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.0 (10-18-2017)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Schedule Addon
1.2.6 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.2.5 (11-09-2023)
- Fixed: Time/Date not saving
1.2.4 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.2.3 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.2.2 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.2.1 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Enhancement: Updated UI.
- Fix: Images showing when not scheduled.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Slideshow Addon
1.3.9 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.3.8 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.3.7 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.3.6 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Tweaks related to new lightbox designs.
1.3.5 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.3.4 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.3 (10-31-2018)
- Fix: Adjusting in timing when navigating.
1.3.2 (10-16-2018)
- Fix: “Slideshow Now Stops On Next Slide” issue, present in some cases, now resolved
- Fix: Minor coding and wording changes in admin.
1.3.1 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.2.2 (11-07-2017)
- Fix: Hover setting saves correctly in settings.
1.2.1 (10-23-2017)
- Fix: Hover setting saves correctly in settings.
1.2.0 (10-18-2017)
- Fix: Various minor bugs.
Social Addon
1.6.10 (02-08-2024)
- Added: X brand icon and replaced Twitter
1.6.9 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.6.8 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.6.7 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (11-17-2021)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes and text adjustments in settings tab.
1.6.6 (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Resolved additional issues with multiple social icons in lightboxes.
- Fix: Updated Facebook logo.
- Fix: Remove foreign characters from email sharing on albums. (04-07-2021)
- Fix: Resolved additional issues with multiple social icons in lightboxes. (03-30-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue with multiple social icons in lightboxes.
1.6.5 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Updated Facebook SDK.
1.6.4 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Tweaks related to new lightbox designs.
1.6.3 (09-16-2020)
- Fix: Performance tweaks.
1.6.2 (08-17-2020)
- Fix: Resolve Facebook sharing (at times with Yoast plugin) issues.
1.6.1 (05-27-2020)
- Fix: Facebook sharing in lightbox should open new window, not tab.
1.6.0 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Adjusted CSS for gallery social icons.
Tags Addon
1.8.5 (08-01-2024)
- Fixed: Pagination and lightbox issue
- Fixed: Tags using tag names instead of ids
1.8.4 (02-08-2024)
- Fix albums not filtering when clicking ‘all’ tags
- Fix scroll to the gallery on tag click always enabled
- Small improvements in code structure
1.8.3 (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Tag Filtering on Edge cases.
1.8.2 (11-14-2023)
- Fixed: Albums Tag Support
1.8.1 (11-09-2023)
- Fixed: filtering for mobile and albums
- Fixed: tags not displaying on dynamic
- Fixed: Tags not filtering active tag in Lightbox
- Fixed: Tags with pagination not displaying properly
- Fixed: Display especific tag on load
- Fixed: Scroll to gallery on tag click
1.7.8 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.7.15 (07-15-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue where filterable album with categories were not filtering correctly.
- Added: Envira Tags field on “Attachment Details” modal from WP Media Library.
1.7.14 (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Removed view from tags and categories admin screen.
1.7.13 (04-28-2021)
- Fix: Improved animation in mason layout.
1.7.12 (03-10-2021)
- Added: No tags message and filter for tabs with no images.
1.7.11 (09-30-2020)
- Added: Added envira_check_gallery_maybe_filter_by_tag filter.
1.7.10 (09-16-2020)
- Fix: Minor bugs, typos, and PHP warnigns resolved.
1.7.8 (02-05-2020)
- Added: Filter to control displayed tags in admin moda: envira_gallery_tags_modal_args
- Fix: Fixes to admin menu settings that should be hidden in certain scenarios.
- Fix: Minor typos and PHP warnings resolved.
1.7.7 (12-17-2019)
- Added: Improved support with Imagga v2.0 API
- Fix: Better compatibility with Slikk and similar themes.
- Fix: Resolved filtering in isotope issues.
- Fix: Dupilcating images and/or tags in some setups resolved.
- Fix: Tagged Gallery only showing certains tagged images in lightbox. (10-24-2019)
- Added: Settings to enable/disable tag count.
1.7.6 (10-23-2019)
- Added: Tag count.
- Fix: Tweaks and bug fixes related to tag filtering.
1.7.5 (05-20-2019)
- Fix: Issues related to lightbox not working once tag was triggered.
1.7.4 (01-16-2019)
- Added: White labeling of the ?envira-tag= parameter is now possible.
1.7.3 (11-07-2018)
- Fix: Tags and Manufactures menu CSS.
1.7.2 (10-16-2018)
- Added: Image counts/filter in tags admin screen.
1.7.1 (05-30-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.7.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Videos Addon (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Error on video upload. (11-14-2023)
- Fixed: Inserting Videos failing
1.6.9 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.6.7 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.6.6 (04-06-2022)
- Removed: Instagram no longer supported, removal of Instagram mentions.
1.6.5 (03-23-2022)
- Fix: Resolved issue with some videos that were using in-gallery option.
1.6.4 (07-15-2021)
- Fix: Resolved fatals with PHP 8.0.
1.6.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issues with play icon not appearing w/ automatic layout.
1.6.1 (09-16-2020)
- Fix: Better compatibility with Envira 1.9.0.
- Removed: Facebook Video Compatibility.
1.6.0 (06-18-2020)
- Fixed: Issue related to Envira Instagram Addon 1.5.0 and above.
1.5.9 (03-24-2020)
- Added: New support for different URL format of YouTube with time stamp.
1.5.8 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.5.7 (12-17-2019)
- Added: Add option for videos to show before/after images when added to gallery.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.6 (10-23-2019)
- Fix: Certain cases where Instagram thumbnails could not be pulled are now resolved.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.5 (10-01-2019)
- Fix: Play icon not displaying for automatic layout videos in some themes.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.4 (06-04-2019)
- Fix: Issues related to portrait videos not correctly showing in the lightbox in some themes.
- Fix: Video play icon not showing for all videos when pagination is enabled.
- Fix: Conflict with Cornerstone Editor (X Theme).
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.3 (02-20-2019)
- Fix: Remove PHP warning on adding certain videos.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.2 (01-16-2019)
- Fix: Issues with some videos not loaded resolved.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.5.1 (10-16-2018)
- Added: Add play icon to thumbnails in Lightbox
- Fix: Stop slideshow w/ YouTube/Vimeo/Self Hosted videos on autoplay start, resume when they end
- Fix: Resolve conflict with several third-party plugins
- Fix: Lightbox CSS adjustments for Internet Explorer 11 and self-hosted / Instagram videos
- Fix: Adjust Lightbox border for Base and Subtle LightBox themes
- Fix: Reduce flash of some videos in Lightbox when forced larger
- Fix: Various bug fixes, minor code tweaks, and PHP compatability adjustments
1.5.0 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: Updated video admin UI w/ additional settings.
- Enhancement: Ability to add YouTube video with timestamp.
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Added: YouTube Playlist support (requires api key).
- Added: Instagram Feed support.
- Added: Instagram IGTV support.
- Added: Facebook Video support.
- Added: TwitchTV Video support
- Added: VideoPress Video support.
- Added: DailyMotion video support.
- Fix: Wistia support in Lightbox.
- Fix: Better support for autoplay for certain videos types.
- Fix: Replaced Froogaloop and updated API for Vimeo.
- Fix: Better compataiblity with XTheme.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Watermarking Addon
1.4.6 (02-08-2024)
- Add watermarking preview
- Add the ability to create text watermarks using Google fonts
- Add new options to the watermark: rotation, scale, repeat, font size, and font color.
- Set Imagick as the default image manipulation library
- Small improvements in code structure
1.4.5 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.4.4 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.4.2 (05-26-2021)
- Fix: Watermark images being imported from Envira Lightroom addon.
1.4.1 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.4.0 (12-17-2019)
- Fix: Improved watermarking processing.
1.3.3 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.1 (10-31-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
WooCommerce Addon
1.5.10 (04-02-2024)
- Fixes: Error on checkout
1.5.9 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.5.8 (01-03-2024)
- Fixes: Draft Products not being created
- Fixes: Unable to add new products to woocommerce order
1.5.7 (11-14-2023)
- Fixes: Cart Url Sanitization.
- Fixes: Missing Media Edit options.
1.5.6 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout.
- Fixes: Php Sanitization and clean up.
1.5.5 (10-11-2023)
- Fixes: Styling related to Proofing.
1.5.4 (05-11-2023)
- Fixes: Add fallback for custom cart templates.
- Fixes: PHP 8.2 support. (03-23-2022)
- Fixes: Resolved issue with draft product posts not being automatically created. (11-17-2021)
- Fixes: Resolved issue relating to deleting of products when gallery images are deleted.
1.5.3 (05-26-2021)
- Fixes: Resolved issue regarding videos in lightboxes.
1.5.2 (03-10-2021)
- Fix: Resolved issue regarding hidden values appearing in order / invoice metadata displays. (12-03-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue with showing add to cart in lightboxes in galleries.
1.5.1 (12-02-2020)
- Fix: Resolved fatal error when variable products in WooCommerce were used.
1.5.0 (03-31-2020)
- Added: Add settings tab, add ability to auto create Woo products when images are added to a gallery (with setting for default product to clone).
- Fix: Fixed issues related to deleting Woo products while they are still connected to Envira images.
1.4.8 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Fixed issues regarding WooCommerce overlay in lightbox.
1.4.7 (03-31-2020)
- Fix: Fixed issue regarding rendering of product in cart.
1.4.6 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.4.5 (11-12-2019)
- Fix: Issue with custome redirect filter after adding to cart resolved.
1.4.4 (10-01-2019)
- Fix: When using Woocommerce and Pagination, the Woocommerce form now will display in the lightbox after page 2.
1.4.3 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.4.2 (12-19-2018)
- Added: Ability to override woocommerce redirect url settings via ‘envira_gallery_pre_data’ filter and ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect’ gallery setting.
1.4.1 (05-01-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
ZIP Importer Addon
1.2.5 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.2.4 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.2.3 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.2.3 (08-19-2020)
- Fix: Resolved issue when some images were not being uploaded.
1.2.2 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.2.1 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.2.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Zoom Addon
1.4.1 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.4.0 (11-09-2023)
- Fixed: console error displaying in some cases.
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
1.3.9 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support. (04-07-2021)
- Fix: Tweaks related to zoom on hover and built-in lightbox zoom.
1.3.8 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Tweaks related to new lightbox designs.
1.3.7 (02-05-2020)
- Fix: Plugin updater revised.
1.3.6 (06-05-2019)
- Fix: Code clean up, minor bug fixes, enhanced security.
1.3.5 (01-16-2019)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.4 (12-19-2018)
- Fix: Resolved issue where cursor disappears behind image in certain scenarios.
1.3.3 (10-16-2018)
- Enhancement: New “Remove Cursor On Hover” option
- Fix: Social icons can now be clicked in Lightbox with Zoom activated
- Fix: Better compatability with FullScreen Addon
1.3.2 (08-22-2018)
- Enhancement: French translations updated.
- Fix: Compataiblity with Fullscreen Addon.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.1 (05-30-2018)
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
1.3.0 (04-10-2018)
- Added: Fancybox3 support.
- Fix: Minor bug fixes.
Audio Addon
1.0.5 (02-08-2024)
- Small improvements in code structure
1.0.4 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.0.3 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.0.2 (11-05-2020)
- Fix: Tweaks related to new lightbox designs.
1.0.1 (09-09-2020)
- First release
Beaver Builder Addon
1.1.3 (11-09-2023)
- Added: Support for BnB Layout
- Fix: Php Sanitization and clean up
1.1.2 (05-11-2023)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 support.
1.1.0 (05-26-2021)
- First public release