Envira Gallery Blog
Digital Photography Tips, Tutorials and Resources
Digital Photography Tips, Tutorials and Resources
After a wedding photography session, is the bride unhappy with wedding photos? Are you looking for a strategy to solve the problem? Sometimes you need to deal with the unhappy clients and it can be very difficult. In this guide, we will share what to do when the bride is unhappy with your wedding photos. […]
Are you where you’re allowed to stand while shooting a wedding? Sometimes the wedding location can be different from a general space, and you need to know a few facts about where you should be standing. In this photography guide, we will tell where should the photographer stand during the wedding ceremony. 1. Attend Rehearsals […]
Are you looking for the easy methods to protect your wedding photos? Sometimes you need to take steps to safeguard your work from lost or theft. In this guide, we will share the 7 ways wedding photographers should safeguard their work. Many wedding photographers create photography websites to display their photos, so they can get […]
Are you looking to get wedding photography clients from Twitter? It’s good business practice to expand your reach and get clients from the social media sites. In this tutorial, we will share how to get wedding photography clients from Twitter. Most wedding photographers get business through referrals and word of mouth, which can sometimes leave […]
Are you wondering the number of photos to shoot during a wedding? As a wedding photographer, you may know that quality is more important than quantity. Still, you can agree on a specific number with your client before you begin your work. In this guide, we will share how many images should you shoot during […]
Are you planning to carry a tilt shift lens on your next wedding shoot? Tilt shift lens is tricky to handle and need patience to get good photos. In this guide, we will share how to use a tilt shift lens for wedding photography. What is a Tilt Shift Lens? Tilt shift lens is different […]