Envira Gallery Blog

Digital Photography Tips, Tutorials and Resources

Happy 30th Birthday to Adobe Photoshop!

It’s difficult to imagine a world without Photoshop. Thirty years ago, photo editing meant spending hours in a darkroom and tinkering with film negatives. Since then, Adobe’s Photoshop has become photo editing. After all, how often have you had to “photoshop” an absent family member into your holiday card?  Adobe’s revolutionary software has changed the […]

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How to Make a Portrait Look Like a Painting in Photoshop

There’s virtually no photo editing effect you can’t achieve with Photoshop CC. In fact, you can even use Photoshop to make your photos look like paintings! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to make your photo look like a painting in Photoshop in 2 different painting styles — watercolor and oil.  Of course, you’ll need […]

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10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Envira Gallery Plugin

You think the Envira Gallery plugin could revolutionize your WordPress photography website! But… you aren’t quite sure. What can Envira Gallery do for you? How can Envira Gallery help drive traffic to your site and sell your photos online? Envira Gallery is much more than a photo and video gallery plugin. It’s an integrative technology […]

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What is Photojournalism?

You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and it’s one that photojournalists live by. But what is photojournalism? What does it look like? Where can you find it? How does it differ from other types of journalism, and how can you become a photojournalist?  In this article, we’ll talk about […]

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How to Get Started as a Music Photographer

Music photography can seem difficult to break in to, but it’s also one of the most exciting realms of photography! In this article, we’ll review: Steps to becoming a concert photographer Skills needed to become a concert photographer Equipment needed to become a concert photographer Salary potential for concert photographers If you’re ready to learn […]

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How to Photograph Concerts in Low Light

Music photography is such a fun area of photography. As a music photographer, you’ll get to listen to and watch incredible live performances, capture the raw energy of those performers on film, and maybe even travel. But, the lighting situation at most concerts is less than ideal.  Learning how to photograph concerts in low light […]

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