Envira Gallery Blog

Digital Photography Tips, Tutorials and Resources

How to Create a Slideshow in WordPress by Using Envira Gallery

Do you want to make lightbox slideshows for your visitors to enjoy? The Slideshow addon allows you to create a slideshow from your galleries. Once enabled, you can choose to either enable or disable your the slideshow setting on a per-gallery basis, and you can also adjust the autoplay and speed settings. Every license holder of […]

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How to Upload Images from Zip Files in WordPress

Do you want to upload images from zip files to your website? At times, you may have hundreds of photos that you want to upload to your site, and uploading them one at a time isn’t practical. In this article, we will show you how to upload images in bulk to your WordPress site with […]

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How to Create a Unique Page URL for Your WordPress Gallery

Do you want to create a unique URL for your image gallery? You may want to share your photos directly with your clients, friends and family. In this tutorial, we will share how to create a unique page URL for your WordPress gallery. Photographers commonly need to add multiple photo galleries to a single blog […]

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The Best Way to Store Your Photos Online

Did you know that online photo storage solutions like Instagram, Facebook, and Flickr can delete your account at any time? Unless you own the storage platform, you could instantly lose all your uploaded photos. In this article, we will show you the best way to store photos online so you have complete control and ownership […]

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