Envira Gallery Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials and Tutorials for Envira Gallery

How to Create a PDF Gallery

Would you like to create a gallery of images that show a PDF in the lightbox? Now with Envira Gallery it’s even easier to do this. This tutorial will walk you through how to create a gallery of PDF images with the Envira lightbox.

  • WordPress 4.9+
  • Envira Gallery 1.8.0+

First you’ll need to either create a new gallery or edit an existing gallery. If you need any help creating your first gallery, please review our documentation here.

You’re next step will be to edit each image in your gallery to provide the correct URL the image should link to. Just find the URL to the lightbox image you wish to show from your Media Library and paste that URL in the field below.

To do this, start by clicking the blue pencil icon to edit the image. A new window will pop open called Edit Metadata.

Edit your image to enter the PDF URL for each Envira gallery image

On this screen, you’ll see the image on the left and the metadata of that image on the right which contains the Title, Caption etc. Scroll down until you see the URL field.

In the URL field, type or copy and paste the URL to the PDF you want the image to show.

Once you’ve finished, scroll all the way down until you see the Save Metadata button. Click Save Metadata to save the changes on this gallery image.

Using the right and left arrow keys at the top of the Edit Metadata window you can scroll through the remaining images in your gallery repeating these steps. Once you’ve finished, just click the X button to close the Edit Metadata window.

Copy and paste the PDF URL into the Envira metadata field and save the change

Finally you’re last step is to turn off the lightbox thumbnails on the Lightbox Tab and the Mobile Tab. Navigate to both of these tabs to uncheck the Enable Gallery Thumbnails?

Remember to disable the lightbox thumbnails on the Mobile tab and the Lightbox tab

Finally click Publish or Update on your gallery to save your changes!

Click any image below to see the working demo.

Would you like find out how to create an external link gallery? Check out our tutorial here on Using External Links in Envira Gallery!

A: Not at all! You can edit the Lightbox tab and the Mobile tab to uncheck the Enable Lightbox? and click the Enable Links? instead and the PDF would open in the tab.

Choose to have your PDFs open without the lightbox

You can also get the PDFs to open in a new tab by following these instructions on how to Open Gallery Links in New Window.