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How to Edit Images in WordPress

How to Easily Edit Images in WordPress

Last updated on Aug 13, 2020 by Waseem Abbas

Do you want to quickly edit images for your blog posts or galleries? A lot of people don’t know that WordPress actually comes with a basic image editor. There’s not a lot you can do with it, but there are a few essential features. You can:

  • Crop images
  • Scale them up or down
  • Fix sideways images with rotation
  • Flip an upside-down photo

For advanced features like sharpening or adding effects, you’ll need to use a program like Photoshop instead. But WordPress’ editor will work fine for basic functions.

In this article, we will show you how to easily edit images in WordPress.

Why Edit Images In WordPress?

You may be wondering why you  would ever want to edit images in WordPress when there are plenty of other photo editing software available.

The main reason is that you may not always have access to photo editing software. In those cases, WordPress image editing can be life saver.

Let’s take a look at how to properly edit images in WordPress.

Editing Images in WordPress

First thing you need to do is upload your image to WordPress. You can either drag and drop the image on the visual editor or go to Media ยป Add New.

Upload Your Image To WordPress

Next, you need to click on the image that you want to edit. A window will pop up, and you should see the Edit Image button under the photo.

Edit Image Button

When you click on the Edit Image button, another window will appear where you will find simple photo editing options like crop, rotate, and flip.

WordPress' Editing Tools

You can use any of these options to edit images inside your WordPress dashboard. To rotate or flip the image, just click on the respective icon.

You can scale the image by aspect ratio using the crop button.

It is very easy to crop the image. Simply select the area by clicking on the image and holding the mouse to select the part of the image you want to crop. See the gif below to learn how to crop images in WordPress.

Cropping an Image In WordPress

If you don’t like the changes you made, then you can undo / redo at anytime. See the image below to learn how you can undo a change to an image.

Undo/Redo Image In WordPress

And that’s WordPress’ image editor. It may be simple, but it’s perfect if you just need to make small changes on the fly. We hope this article helped you learn how to easily edit images in WordPress. You may also want to check out our guide on how to group photos and organize them in WordPress.

If you like this article, then please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more photography tutorials.

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Envira Gallery helps photographers create beautiful photo and video galleries in just a few clicks so that they can showcase and sell their work.


    1. Hey James, you need to make a selection on the photo to crop it. Once you make a selection, the crop icon will appear. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Great post! The instructions were very clear! But for some reason when I edit pictures anytime I insert it into my blog post it reverts to the original. So my nicely cropped image reverts to its original unwanted form. Do you have any idea as to why this might be?

    1. Hey Gabriella, it is possible that some code in your theme files is conflicting with the cropping and displaying the original images. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Theere whould be an editing option to edit the image itself, brightness, contrast etc, because it would be just easier if I could edit the basics of the image to blend in better with each of our website without having to do it externally

  3. I need to rotate an image in one of my galleries on my website, but there is no option to do this?
    I click on Envira Gallery on the side of my WordPress page, then click on the gallery with the image in I want to rotate, then I click on the edit icon in the corner of the specific image and the Metadata box opens up, but there is no option to actually edit the image or rotate it? Please could some one advise me on what I need to do, thanks.

  4. Thank you. I couldn’t understand why the Crop option was not available, and thanks to this easy article, I realized that I was thinking it backwards. Now it’s clear, cheers.

  5. Hello I have a problem, I am simply trying to rotate some pictures with this wordpress editor, but for some reason after I do, it changes the file name and the thumbnail for the picture is no longer visible. Any idea what causes this issue?

  6. The default WordPress Image Editor is sometimes very laggy. It takes multiple efforts to make any changes. I’m not using it anymore.

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